Innovative sustainable fabrics improving outdoor gear | live for the outdoors
Meanwhile, natural fibres used in outdoor gear and apparel, such as merino wool or down insulation, need to also be less resource-intense and of …
Source: camping gear
Meanwhile, natural fibres used in outdoor gear and apparel, such as merino wool or down insulation, need to also be less resource-intense and of …
Source: camping gear
… of July Sale and Clearance, which has deals on everything from running gear and shoes to camping and hiking equipment to bikes and watercraft.
Source: camping gear
The Missoula City Council will hold a public hearing to discuss an ordinance about overnight camping on public lands.
Source: camping
At some point during a camping trip someone usually brings up playing a game. An outdoor website recently made a list of what they referred to as …
Source: camping
Prices tend to be lower, and you might find some stuff for free. … And deals on refurbished or high quality camping gear like propane stoves or …
Source: camping gear
From an editor-approved portable fire pit to a two-person tent that can weather summer storms, REI is offering up to 50% off camping and hiking …
Source: camping gear
Backpacker. Trail Closed After Bear Fatally Injures Hiker's Dog Near Blue Ridge Parkway. Read full article. Adam Roy. Mon, June 26, 2023 at …
Source: Backpacking
Sporting Goods and Outdoor Supplies. You can save big by buying used sporting goods to outfit yourself for a new hobby like fishing, skiing or even …
Source: camping gear
Here's exactly which materials to wear and how to layer from base layers to outerwear to stay dry and comfortable on a backpacking trip.
Source: Backpacking
Ordinary workout clothes can sometimes be leveraged, as they're often … I highly recommend bringing a separate layer for hanging out at camp and …
Source: camping gear