Month: November 2023
In effort to stop homeless encampments, Livingston could ban camping in public places
"East Baton Rouge revised their camping ordinance in August of last year. We don't have anything in place and we need something in place urgently.".
Source: camping
Donations Needed for School Backpack Program – WJLE Radio
… Backpack effort. Approximately 6% of the DeKalb County student population goes hungry on a regular basis, with meals provided at school being …
Source: Backpacking
Motion filed to delay daytime camping ban in Portland – YouTube
The City of Portland is planning to start enforcing its daytime camping ban next week, but a court filing could put those plans on hold.
Source: camping
Gun found in student's backpack at Maplewood High School – YouTube
Gun found in student's backpack at Maplewood High School; another gun found at Lebanon High School For more Local News from WSMV: …
Source: Backpacking
Planning Your Memorial Day Adventure? Check If REI is Open! – Best Stocks
Whether you need essentials for a camping trip with friends or want to update your hiking gear before setting off on a challenging trail, having …
Source: camping gear
Best Collapsible Water Bottles of 2023, Tested and Reviewed | Field & Stream
So whether you're going for a short hike or compiling camping gear for your next backpacking trip, consult this list of the best collapsible water …
Source: backpacking gear
#4ThePeople: Proposition 1 set to pass in Spokane County | News |
SPOKANE, Wash. — Proposition 1, a Spokane camping initiative, is on pace to pass, according to the latest General Election results.
Source: camping
Wheeling City Council Approves Urban Camping Ordinance, Mayor Voices Concerns Over …
During the recent meeting of the Wheeling City Council, an ordinance concerning urban camping was approved with a vote of 5-2.
Source: camping
Are we really willing to put up with homeless camping in public? – Albuquerque Journal
Are we really willing to put up with homeless camping in public? … Homeless folks camp out near the intersection of Utah and Zuni avenues in Southeast …
Source: camping